【林右昌秘書長演講】 9/6/2024 (Fri) 6:00 PM
- 感謝台僑們對賴總統(主席)以及蕭副總統的支持。
- 對當前台灣政情提出第一手的資料分析與展望。
- 年底適逢美國大選,台僑在美國社會也都有相當的影響力,希望藉由大家的力量,讓美國是會繼續支持台灣,更了解台灣。
【中秋快樂】報名表 9/21/2024 (Sat) 5:00 - 8:00 PM
親愛的會員們: 中秋佳節將至,圓月當空,象徵著團圓與美好。休士頓台灣同鄉會誠摯邀請您參加一年一度的中秋聯歡晚宴,讓我們在這個溫馨的節日裡,共同慶祝這份難得的團圓時光。 **活動資訊如下:** **日期:** 2024 年 9 月 21 日 (六) **時間:** 下午 5:00 至 8:00 **地點:** 台灣人活動中心 5885 Point West Drive, Houston, TX 77036 **費用:** 會員 $10,非會員 $15 ** 報名方式: 1. 網路報名:請填寫下表,或email至[email protected] 2. 活動中心櫃檯報名 希望藉著這個中秋佳節,大家可以放下日常的繁忙,與親朋好友共度一個愉快的夜晚。期待您的光臨,一同分享這份美好的節日氛圍。 祝福大家中秋快樂,闔家團圓! 休士頓台灣同鄉會 敬上 |
52Hz, I love you
“52Hz” is a very unusual frequency that sings by the loneliest whale in the world which was detected in the Pacific Ocean. The mysterious pitch is like no other; the song sounds like crying out for companionship that never comes.[i] However, the Taiwan film “52Hz, I Love You” features that even though in the hustle and bustle of Taipei, city life should not be millions of lonely people living without love.
After the Taiwan film "Cape No. 7" successfully swept audiences' heart off their feet in 2008 and set the highest box office, the director, Wei Te-Sheng, with his newest film "52Hz, I Love You" will be world premiered in North America this year.
Taiwanese Association of America Houston Chapter joins with other 40 cities in the U.S. and Canada to cast this film. We are taking the privilege to screen it on November 19, 2016, as well as inviting Taiwanese cast to join the after-screening discussion. With your participation and donation, we can proudly introduce this Taiwanese film to Greater Houston Community.
Remarkably, the movie hits another record on “the first Taiwanese musical film,” and again, the director audaciously finds new appealing actors to present a series of romantic comedy stories with beautiful original songs that take place in modern Taipei City, Taiwan, on Valentine’s Day. It will bring a brand-new impression about the city and Taiwan to audiences.
On the way home from the screen, you might find yourself humming those bittersweet songs as those characters do with happiness.
偌大的海洋中、擁擠的城市裡,唱著 52 赫茲的人,不小心成為了世界上最寂寞的鯨魚。一隻被科學家命名為「52 赫茲」的鯨魚,發出獨一無二的神秘低鳴,至今沒有人看過鯨魚的模樣。52 赫茲是鯨魚唱歌的頻率,鯨魚被判斷應為鬚鯨亞目類,可是這類鯨魚一般約以 15 至 20 赫茲和同伴交流、歌唱,鯨魚應該是因為這樣而落單了,唱著只有自己聽得見的歌,成為了世界上最寂寞的一隻鯨魚。1989 年的時候,52 赫茲在北太平洋被發現了,二十幾年後的今天,52 赫茲仍然沒有加入任何一支隊伍,獨自游在大海裡…
Title: 52HZ, I Love You 片名: 52赫茲, 我愛你
Runtime: 109 Minutes 片長: 109分鐘
Genre: Musical 類型: 音樂電影
Language: English Subtitle, Mandarin 語言: 英文字幕, 華語發音
Director: Te-Sheng, Wei 導演: 魏德聖
Actor, Actress: 演員:
Van Fan 范逸臣
Nana Lee 李千娜
Sandrine Pinna 張榕容
After the Taiwan film "Cape No. 7" successfully swept audiences' heart off their feet in 2008 and set the highest box office, the director, Wei Te-Sheng, with his newest film "52Hz, I Love You" will be world premiered in North America this year.
Taiwanese Association of America Houston Chapter joins with other 40 cities in the U.S. and Canada to cast this film. We are taking the privilege to screen it on November 19, 2016, as well as inviting Taiwanese cast to join the after-screening discussion. With your participation and donation, we can proudly introduce this Taiwanese film to Greater Houston Community.
Remarkably, the movie hits another record on “the first Taiwanese musical film,” and again, the director audaciously finds new appealing actors to present a series of romantic comedy stories with beautiful original songs that take place in modern Taipei City, Taiwan, on Valentine’s Day. It will bring a brand-new impression about the city and Taiwan to audiences.
On the way home from the screen, you might find yourself humming those bittersweet songs as those characters do with happiness.
偌大的海洋中、擁擠的城市裡,唱著 52 赫茲的人,不小心成為了世界上最寂寞的鯨魚。一隻被科學家命名為「52 赫茲」的鯨魚,發出獨一無二的神秘低鳴,至今沒有人看過鯨魚的模樣。52 赫茲是鯨魚唱歌的頻率,鯨魚被判斷應為鬚鯨亞目類,可是這類鯨魚一般約以 15 至 20 赫茲和同伴交流、歌唱,鯨魚應該是因為這樣而落單了,唱著只有自己聽得見的歌,成為了世界上最寂寞的一隻鯨魚。1989 年的時候,52 赫茲在北太平洋被發現了,二十幾年後的今天,52 赫茲仍然沒有加入任何一支隊伍,獨自游在大海裡…
Title: 52HZ, I Love You 片名: 52赫茲, 我愛你
Runtime: 109 Minutes 片長: 109分鐘
Genre: Musical 類型: 音樂電影
Language: English Subtitle, Mandarin 語言: 英文字幕, 華語發音
Director: Te-Sheng, Wei 導演: 魏德聖
Actor, Actress: 演員:
Van Fan 范逸臣
Nana Lee 李千娜
Sandrine Pinna 張榕容
2016 Taiwanese American Heritage Week "Taiwan So Beautiful" of MAD Theater under spotlight in Houston on May 13. Dance group from Taiwan with international fame performs for the 1st time.
Organized by Houston Taiwanese-Heritage-Week Committee (HTHC) ,MAD Theater (Modern Arts Dance Theater) from Taiwan was on stage in Houston for the first time to celebrate the 2016 Taiwanese American Heritage Week !
The performance "Taiwan So Beautiful" was scheduled at 7 pm on May 13, Friday, at The Culture Center of TECO in Houston (10303 Westoffice Dr. Houston, TX77042).
MAD Theater gains their international fame throughout the years, they has been invited to different dance festival in places like Malaysia, Australia, the United States, Moscow of Russia as well as Paris of France. Founded in 1997 by Shih Gee-Tze (Founder and Artistic Director), MAD Theater has presented challenging major new works annually, significantly broadening the movement vocabulary of contemporary Asian dance in Taiwan. Combining theater, dance, multi-media, daily life activity, installation, comedy, games, even pets and fashion show, they wins popularity in both audience and professional reviews, in Taiwan and abroad alike.
In the performance of "Taiwan So Beautiful", MAD will dance with several Taiwanese folk songs referred to "flowers" as the basic rhythm for the dynamic choreography. Mixed further with music style of puppet theater, Taiwanese opera, Jazz, RAP, Rock 'n' Roll, Classics, "Taiwan So Beautiful" from the beginning will shows up the rich cultures and different shades of influences which shaped Taiwan into the modern era. In the mean time, drama, dance, catwalk, old time poetry, stage design, costumes… drifts and transforms with the scenes, will make the whole work a perfect epic in visual fest.
The Houston Taiwanese-Heritage-Week Committee (HTHC) is a first-time-ever committee of its kind. Composed by different Taiwanese American community organizations, the committee includes representatives from the Overseas Community Affairs Council and other departments of TECO in Houston, FAPA: Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Hakka Association of Houston, Taiwanese American Institute, Taiwanese Association of America- Houston Chapter, Taiwan Environment Information Society of Houston, Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of Greater Houston, Houston Taiwan Institute for Senior Citizens, Taiwan Society of Houston. The goal of this committee is to unite the Taiwanese Americans community to promote Taiwan culture. With event like this, the world would get the good chance to understand Taiwan more and better.
The performance "Taiwan So Beautiful" was scheduled at 7 pm on May 13, Friday, at The Culture Center of TECO in Houston (10303 Westoffice Dr. Houston, TX77042).
MAD Theater gains their international fame throughout the years, they has been invited to different dance festival in places like Malaysia, Australia, the United States, Moscow of Russia as well as Paris of France. Founded in 1997 by Shih Gee-Tze (Founder and Artistic Director), MAD Theater has presented challenging major new works annually, significantly broadening the movement vocabulary of contemporary Asian dance in Taiwan. Combining theater, dance, multi-media, daily life activity, installation, comedy, games, even pets and fashion show, they wins popularity in both audience and professional reviews, in Taiwan and abroad alike.
In the performance of "Taiwan So Beautiful", MAD will dance with several Taiwanese folk songs referred to "flowers" as the basic rhythm for the dynamic choreography. Mixed further with music style of puppet theater, Taiwanese opera, Jazz, RAP, Rock 'n' Roll, Classics, "Taiwan So Beautiful" from the beginning will shows up the rich cultures and different shades of influences which shaped Taiwan into the modern era. In the mean time, drama, dance, catwalk, old time poetry, stage design, costumes… drifts and transforms with the scenes, will make the whole work a perfect epic in visual fest.
The Houston Taiwanese-Heritage-Week Committee (HTHC) is a first-time-ever committee of its kind. Composed by different Taiwanese American community organizations, the committee includes representatives from the Overseas Community Affairs Council and other departments of TECO in Houston, FAPA: Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Hakka Association of Houston, Taiwanese American Institute, Taiwanese Association of America- Houston Chapter, Taiwan Environment Information Society of Houston, Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of Greater Houston, Houston Taiwan Institute for Senior Citizens, Taiwan Society of Houston. The goal of this committee is to unite the Taiwanese Americans community to promote Taiwan culture. With event like this, the world would get the good chance to understand Taiwan more and better.