Mazu: The Sea Goddess' Journey to Houston
In the 10th century, a saint named Mazu emerged from Fujian, China, revered for her extraordinary powers to safeguard fishermen by taming the tumultuous seas. Her untimely demise at the age of 28, while heroically attempting to rescue her father and brother, led to her deification as the Sea Goddess. Fishermen, in gratitude, erected a temple in her memory, hoping to secure her eternal blessings.
Over the centuries, Mazu's legend grew, and she became a beacon of hope for those braving the ocean's wrath. Her divine protection is celebrated across various Asian coastal communities, where she is venerated as the Sea Goddess.
The Mazu pilgrimage in Taiwan transforms into the year's pinnacle during the 3rd lunar month, coinciding with her birthday. This month-long festivity sees devotees embarking on a spiritual journey, following Mazu's effigy as it blesses numerous locales. Beigang Chao Tian Temple, boasting one of the oldest Mazu temples, hosts a multiple day pilgrimage that has become a must-attend event for followers worldwide.
This year, Houston is honored to host Mazu's inaugural visit to the United States. The 330-year-old Beigang Chao Tian Temple has graciously brought Mazu's statue to bestow blessings upon the city. Accompanying her is the chairman of Chao Tian Temple, who has generously donated a sedan chair for the parade on May 19th in Houston's Southwest district. This eight-person carriage, sponsored by EVA Air, was air-freighted to Houston especially for the occasion.
Mazu will grace the Teen How Temple in Downtown Houston from May 18th to May 20th, offering an opportunity for worshippers to pay homage. This event was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of Winston Liao, President of Taiwanese Association of America's New York and Houston Chapters.
The Taiwanese Association of America in Houston aspires to emulate the communal spirit of Taiwan's pilgrimage. In recent years, the pilgrimage has become a cultural phenomenon, with individuals under 40 taking a week off to accompany Mazu. The association envisions this event as a burgeoning tradition in Houston.
Houstonians and visitors alike are invited to partake in this cultural exchange, to be enveloped in the warmth of Mazu's procession, and to witness the beginning of what may become one of Houston's cherished annual events.
In the 10th century, a saint named Mazu emerged from Fujian, China, revered for her extraordinary powers to safeguard fishermen by taming the tumultuous seas. Her untimely demise at the age of 28, while heroically attempting to rescue her father and brother, led to her deification as the Sea Goddess. Fishermen, in gratitude, erected a temple in her memory, hoping to secure her eternal blessings.
Over the centuries, Mazu's legend grew, and she became a beacon of hope for those braving the ocean's wrath. Her divine protection is celebrated across various Asian coastal communities, where she is venerated as the Sea Goddess.
The Mazu pilgrimage in Taiwan transforms into the year's pinnacle during the 3rd lunar month, coinciding with her birthday. This month-long festivity sees devotees embarking on a spiritual journey, following Mazu's effigy as it blesses numerous locales. Beigang Chao Tian Temple, boasting one of the oldest Mazu temples, hosts a multiple day pilgrimage that has become a must-attend event for followers worldwide.
This year, Houston is honored to host Mazu's inaugural visit to the United States. The 330-year-old Beigang Chao Tian Temple has graciously brought Mazu's statue to bestow blessings upon the city. Accompanying her is the chairman of Chao Tian Temple, who has generously donated a sedan chair for the parade on May 19th in Houston's Southwest district. This eight-person carriage, sponsored by EVA Air, was air-freighted to Houston especially for the occasion.
Mazu will grace the Teen How Temple in Downtown Houston from May 18th to May 20th, offering an opportunity for worshippers to pay homage. This event was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of Winston Liao, President of Taiwanese Association of America's New York and Houston Chapters.
The Taiwanese Association of America in Houston aspires to emulate the communal spirit of Taiwan's pilgrimage. In recent years, the pilgrimage has become a cultural phenomenon, with individuals under 40 taking a week off to accompany Mazu. The association envisions this event as a burgeoning tradition in Houston.
Houstonians and visitors alike are invited to partake in this cultural exchange, to be enveloped in the warmth of Mazu's procession, and to witness the beginning of what may become one of Houston's cherished annual events.
休士頓全體僑務榮譽職人員,非常榮幸能在駐處與僑教中心的支持配合下,同步與台灣一起慶祝第16屆總統暨副總統就職典禮! 讓不克回台參與盛典的僑胞們,也能在歡喜興奮的心情中一起慶祝,讓台灣在未來四年內,達到新的高度,更能夠永續經營!
休士頓全體僑務榮譽職人員,非常榮幸能在駐處與僑教中心的支持配合下,同步與台灣一起慶祝第16屆總統暨副總統就職典禮! 讓不克回台參與盛典的僑胞們,也能在歡喜興奮的心情中一起慶祝,讓台灣在未來四年內,達到新的高度,更能夠永續經營!
Taiwan Yes Festival (台灣夜市) Houston is a cultural event hosted by Taiwanese Association of America, Houston Chapter. It was known as Taiwan Night Market Festival, and now the "Taiwan Festival". The purpose of this exciting event is to introduce and promote Taiwan's culture, especially, the activities in the night market to communities in the greater Houston areas. It is an event full of great food, exuberant activities, and lots of fun. Visit Taiwan Yes website, click here.
Modeled after Taiwanese night markets and hosted by the Taiwanese Association of America – Houston Chapter, the 2020 Taiwan Festival brings the food, games, entertainment and culture of Taiwan to Houston for an all-day event.
Admission to the festival is free, and guests can purchase tickets to redeem for food, drinks and games.

《2018休士頓台灣同鄉會年會 x 時代力量巡迴演講 休士頓站 (林昶佐、吳錚、林穎孟)》

228 Peace Memorial Concert
真深ê相思 Tsin-tshim--ê siunn-si
228 Peace Memorial Concert
真深ê相思 Tsin-tshim--ê siunn-si

全美特映, 魏導跟神秘嘉賓蒞臨休士頓出席座談會
Oct 1/ Oct 15/ Oct 29
Taiwan Film Festival (台灣電影節)
The annual Taiwanese American Heritage Week in Houston was held on May 13, 2016. It is the first time ever that TAA-HC and other major Houston-based Taiwanese organizations worked together to host this exciting event. Featured with the stage show, named "Taiwan so beautiful", the Houston Taiwanese community and other mainstream participants all enjoyed this spectacular cultural event. Click here to see the event information.
The Feb 28th(228) peace memorial concert is also an annual event held by TAA-HC. The Feb 28th incident, known as 228 incident, happened in 1948 and was an upraising against the Chinese government's political coercion in Taiwan. This concert allows Houston Taiwanese Americans to remember the victims in the 228 incident and hope for justice in a peaceful way.
Event video above, Click play to view. For more, visit our youtube page, click here.
Click here to learn more about HAA-HC's past events.